Here's a picture of the view from my window of the hotel! I'll be here until tomorrow afternoon when we all move into our apartments in Rathmines, about 15 minutes south of city center. My flight was long; very long, but shortly after arriving I ran into several other Arcadia students who were very friendly and seemed just as apprehensive and curious as I was. I guess I can talk about some of my first impressions: first, I arrived well before sunrise this morning so the spectacular views of flying over Ireland were lacking :/. Second, it's so dark here! At first I thought we were still over the Atlantic just because there was no light on the land. It wasn't until we approached Dublin that you could see a glow of the city life. Third, I'm not entirely sure I'll ever get used to this driving on the left thing, but our cab driver was very entertaining and welcoming, as everyone else has been. Later today after some meetings, I'll be able to do some exploring but strangely enough I'm really just ready to get my classes started! It's not that I'm in a rush to get them over with; I'm just excited to get back into a routine. Well, I'm gonna try to nap before orientation gets going.
Until later America.
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