Friday, October 3, 2014

What a month it has been!

Hi all! (and by now I'm sure all means Mom, Dad, Mom-mom, Pop-pop and maybe a handful of others haha!)

This past Wednesday officially marked one month abroad! I can't believe how fast the time is going! As you might have noticed, I recently added a ticker on the right of this site that is counting down until the day I return to the states. It's a bittersweet site for sure, but it keeps me motivated to live it up as much as possible here while I still have the time! Anyway, things are still going just swimmingly here. I am getting into the flow of intern life. This is evidenced by the coffee shop across the street from Parliament knowing my name and order before I even have to say it in the morning! It's weird to actually know where I am going when I'm walking around city centre considering a month ago all of us were so reliant on google maps. My sense of independence is boosted by the day. Midterms are coming up soon, but for me that just means that Mom-mom and Pop-pop are almost here!! I am so excited to see my family, show them around my new city, and share a few pints. Until then I'll just be catching up on my readings (netflix) and getting a head start on my final papers (netflix,,,,).

In other news, last night we went out for a night at the races, the greyhound races! Now before you go all animal rights on me, greyhound races are very different here. There is a huge protective agency for these dogs and people get paid to come and play with them. They definitely aren't abused. We had a fabulous dinner with a complimentary bottle of wine, made some bets, lost some bets, and had a grand old time. I also smoked my first real cuban cigar! They are legal here because Ireland has no trade embargo on them. There is even a shop here that will mail you cigars, completely legally, to your home address in the states! I'm not a huge fan of cigars and honestly I'm not even sure I would taste the difference, but still a really awesome item to check off the bucket list.

I'm gonna go prepare myself for the weekend now since my friends are making me the resident bartender this weekend, mixing up all their favorite drink. Time to put my whistle skills to work!

From Dublin, With Love.

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